Global economy: bright spots and challenges

Global economy: bright spots and challenges

(VOVWORLD) - In recent reports on the global economic outlook, most big financial institutions say that the world economy has escaped the threat of recession and is expected to record slight growth...
China, EU promote cooperation for mutual benefits

China, EU promote cooperation for mutual benefits

(VOVWORLD) - High-ranking leaders of China and the European Union met in Beijing on Thursday to discuss pending issues in bilateral relations and establish some common perceptions, aiming to stabilize...
Building a new, sustainable global food network

Building a new, sustainable global food network

(VOVWORLD) - The Global Food Security Summit in London on Monday focused on international efforts to apply technology and connect innovative ideas on agriculture to build a new, more sustainable global...
Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

(VOVWORLD) - From the ancient nomads of Central Asia to the royal courts of Europe, horse riding has woven its way into the fabric of human history. And now, it's found a...
EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - China and the EU held a high-level economic and trade dialogue on Monday in Beijing to ease trade tensions and improve their comprehensive strategic partnership which is facing...
US resumes negotiations on debt limit

US resumes negotiations on debt limit

(VOVWORLD) -US President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy could not reach an agreement on Monday to raise the US debt ceiling and prevent a default
Global economy shows signs of recovery but risks remain

Global economy shows signs of recovery but risks remain

(VOVWORLD) - International financial and economic institutions have adjusted their estimates of global economic prospects based on economic, trade, and investment activities in the first quarter of this year. Generally, the world...
Vietnam ranks 3rd among Laos’ markets

Vietnam ranks 3rd among Laos’ markets

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam ranked third among Laos’ export markets in January with a total value amounting to about 65 million USD, while China remained the top export destination for the country and was...