US may allow investment in North Korea

US may allow investment in North Korea

(VOVWORLD) -US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that the Trump administration is open to lifting sanctions and allowing private American investment in North Korea
US, China discuss Korean Peninsula

US, China discuss Korean Peninsula

(VOVWORLD) -China’s Politburo member Yang Jiechi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed the Korean Peninsula during a Saturday phone conversation
Fading Iran nuclear deal

Fading Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - Israel’s accusation that Iran is hiding a nuclear program has raised public concern, especially with US President Donald Trump’s deadline to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal drawing close. Otherwise...
US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

US President Donald Trump begins filling his Cabinet

(VOVworld) - President-elect Donald Trump on Friday selected Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his attorney general. Trump also named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security...