Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – North Korea’s missile exploded on Sunday, on the 105th birth anniversary of founder Kim Il-sung amid fierce exchanges of bitter words between Pyongyang and Washington. Many people...
US-North Korea tense relations

US-North Korea tense relations

(VOVworld) – A few days after US President Donald Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile attack on an airport in Syria, the US military has begun military moves which are seen as...
Russia, NATO strengthen military

Russia, NATO strengthen military

(VOVworld) – The arms race between NATO and Russia has escalated since the UK announced its deployment of an additional 800 troops and fighter aircraft to Russia’s western border. Earlier,...
Yemen bogged down in crisis

Yemen bogged down in crisis

(VOVworld) – The 72-hour ceasefire in Yemen brokered by the UN has collapsed due to continuous fighting between Arab coalition and the Houthi forces. The impoverished country of the Arabian...
Japan’s new security law comes into force

Japan’s new security law comes into force

(VOVworld) – Japan’s new security law has come into force after being ratified 6 months ago. It stipulates, for the first time since World War II, that Japan’s Self...
France hopes to sell more ships to Russia

France hopes to sell more ships to Russia

(VOVworld) – French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday that the canceled contract for two French Mistral helicopter carriers will not impede other contracts between France and Russia
France to sell Egypt two warships

France to sell Egypt two warships

(VOVworld) – Egypt has agreed to purchase two French Mistral-class helicopter carriers that were previously contracted to go to Russia for 1.3 billion USD, a deal that was suspended...
Race for Arctic resources

Race for Arctic resources

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama just made a 3-day tour of the Arctic in an effort to influence in a vast area enriched with mineral resources, particularly oil. As...