Global plaudits for General Vo Nguyen Giap

Global plaudits for General Vo Nguyen Giap

(VOVWORLD) - Leading the Vietnamese People's Army to victory at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 assured General Vo Nguyen Giap’s place in the hearts of the Vietnamese people and his reputation worldwide as a brilliant...
General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

(VOVWORLD) - This autumn Vietnam celebrates the 76th anniversary of the August Revolution that gave birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The celebration coincides with the 110th birthday on August 25 of General Vo...
New situation in Afghanistan

New situation in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - After a series of quick developments, the Taliban on Sunday declared the war in Afghanistan over and has taken full control of the country. The Afghan President accepted defeat and fled the...
Afghan crisis worsens

Afghan crisis worsens

(VOVWORLD) - The Taliban have captured Afghanistan's second and third biggest cities, fuelling fears the US-backed government could fall to the insurgents as international forces complete their withdrawal after 20 years of war...
Wartime letters uphold humanitarian values

Wartime letters uphold humanitarian values

(VOVWORLD) - Quick notes and letters written on pelure paper were familiar to millions of Vietnamese families during the war. The letters express the emotions and revolutionary ideology of the soldiers and the...