Malaysia ready to resume search for MH370

Malaysia ready to resume search for MH370

(VOVWORLD) - Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke on Sunday announced that Kuala Lumpur might resume the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 if companies make a reasonable and trustworthy...
Van Don International Airport inaugurated

Van Don International Airport inaugurated

(VOVWORLD) - Van Don International Airport was inaugurated on December 30, 2018, after 2 years of construction, and the first commercial flights have taken off or landed there
Damascus allows Iraq to hit IS targets in Syria

Damascus allows Iraq to hit IS targets in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has authorized Iraqi forces to attack IS targets inside Syria without waiting for permission from authorities in Damascus, Syrian state news agency SANA reported...
Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The Kremlin said in a statement Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss Syrian issues with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, Russia on Monday
Russia withdraws soldiers from Syria

Russia withdraws soldiers from Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia has withdrawn more than 1,100 soldiers and scores of helicopters and warplanes from Syria
Russia rejects Dutch findings about MH17 crash

Russia rejects Dutch findings about MH17 crash

(VOVWORLD) - The Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday that Russia’s military had nothing to do with the downing of Malaysia’s MH17 airplane in 2014, Russia’s TASS news agency reported...
Soviet Union victory over fascism

Soviet Union victory over fascism

(VOVWORLD) - Russia marks the 73rd anniversary of its Victory Day today, May 9th. Activities including military parades and fireworks are underway in many places in Russia. “Immortal Regiment” marches are...


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