Party building and rectification strengthened

Party building and rectification strengthened

(VOVWORLD) - Strengthening Party building and rectification and the political system was a major part of the agenda of the 5th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee that was held in Hanoi...
Land law, policies to be further reformed

Land law, policies to be further reformed

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Monday chaired the fourth meeting of the national steering committee for reviewing the implementation of the Party Resolution on reforming land law and...
Party chief extends wishes as Tet approaches

Party chief extends wishes as Tet approaches

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong extended his best New Year wishes to leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, and Vietnam Fatherland Front, key officials of some centrally-run agencies and Hanoi...
Highlights of the 12th National Party Congress

Highlights of the 12th National Party Congress

(VOVWORLD) - With a strong determination to reform and with responsibility, at its 12th tenure, the Communist Party of Vietnam led the political system to bring into play the combined strength of the whole...
Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu

Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu

(VOVWORLD) - The Communist Party and the people of Vietnam paid final respects to their outstanding leader, former Party leader Le Kha Phieu last week. During his tenure as the Party’s General Secretary from 1997...
The Party renews anti-corruption effort

The Party renews anti-corruption effort

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting corruption is an important issue in every country. Over the past 90 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam has paid close attention to Party building, rectification, and fighting corruption...