NA Chairman works with Quang Nam provincial Party Committee

(VOVWORLD) -National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has expected Quang Nam province to be a model in post pandemic tourism development and recovery. 
NA Chairman works with Quang Nam provincial Party Committee - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the meeting. Photo: VNA

Working with the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee on Wednesday, he advised the central province to complete tourism environment, infrastructure and products, and learn from major tourism centres’ experience, and change its mindset to turn tourism into its spearhead economic sector.

He urged Quang Nam to focus on the development of the East-West economic corridor to connect with Laos, Thailand and the ASEAN while attracting more investment in industrial zones and clusters.

“The province should continue with social welfare activities and tributes to social deeds while strengthening local healthcare and preventive system, especially at ethnic mountainous areas. Wastefulness, corruption and negative behaviors prevention should be accelerated with well implementation of the provincial level anti-corruption steering committee,” he said. 


