India: violence escalates in Kashmir

India: violence escalates in Kashmir

(VOVworld) – At least 8 Indian paramilitary soldiers were killed and 20 others were wounded in a highway ambush on Saturday near the city of Srinagar, the Indian portion of Kashmir
Syrian media reports IS leader dead

Syrian media reports IS leader dead

(VOVworld) – Syrian media cited sources affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) that IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead, without elaboration. Other reports said al-Baghdadi was killed in...
Another bloody shooting in the US

Another bloody shooting in the US

(VOVworld)- The US suffered its worst mass shooting since the September 11 terror attacks. The guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Alarms are once again being raised that...
IS attacks Lybian government forces

IS attacks Lybian government forces

(VOVworld) – Rida Issa, a spokesman for the Lybian unity government’s forces, said that the Islamic State carried out three suicide car bombings in Sirte on Sunday targeting forces...
Niger kills 12 Boko Haram gunmen

Niger kills 12 Boko Haram gunmen

(VOVworld) - Security forces in Niger have killed 12 gunmen of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram who launched an attack in the southeastern region of Bosso close to the border...
Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – On Monday, representatives of the Ukrainian government and independence-seeking militants said that violence has resumed in eastern Ukraine after a period of relative calm under the Eastern truce
IS claimed bomb attacks in Southern Iraq

IS claimed bomb attacks in Southern Iraq

(VOVworld) - Two suicide car bombs claimed by Islamic State killed at least 33 people and wounded 75 others in southern Iraq on Sunday. Islamic State said it had attacked a...
Car bomb hit southeastern Turkey

Car bomb hit southeastern Turkey

(VOVworld) - A car-bomb attack hit a military post in the southeastern Turkish province of Diyarbakir on Monday, killing one soldier and injuring dozens more
Bomb explosions hit Brussels

Bomb explosions hit Brussels

(VOVworld) – Belgian media reported that 2 consecutive explosions occurred at Brussels airport on Tuesday. A spokesperson for Belgium’s Federal Police has confirmed the explosions at Brussels airport, which killed 23...