EU, Cuba restart political dialogue

EU, Cuba restart political dialogue

(VOVworld) – The European Union and Cuba have agreed to restart their political dialogue and they will hold their first meeting in June in Brussels
First Mekong-Lancang dialogue and cooperation meeting opens

First Mekong-Lancang dialogue and cooperation meeting opens

(VOVworld) - Diplomatic officials from six countries sharing the Mekong-Lancang River met for the first time in Beijing on Monday to discuss sustainable development cooperation. Themed “six countries—one community: establishing dialogue...
Russia calls for dialogue with EU

Russia calls for dialogue with EU

(VOVworld)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized NATO Tuesday for its increasing military activities near Russian borders and called for resolving disputes through dialogue
ROK asks DPRK for talks

ROK asks DPRK for talks

(VOVworld) - Republic of Korea President Park Geun-Hye has said she hopes that North Korea will soon carry out inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation as well as consultations on peace...
DPRK: No north-south dialogue possible

DPRK: No north-south dialogue possible

VOVworld)- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said firmly on Saturday that there will be no dialogue between Pyongyang and Seoul or chances of improvement of inter-Korean...
RoK ready for dialogue with DPRK

RoK ready for dialogue with DPRK

(VOVworld) - President Park Geun-hye said on Monday that the Republic of Korea’s doors will remain open to dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea