Vietnam, Cambodia foster friendship

Vietnam, Cambodia foster friendship

(VOVworld) – Cambodia’s Rasmei Kampuchea Daily (the Light of Cambodia) ran an article on Tuesday highlighting the time-honored relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia on the occasion of Vietnamese...
HCM City marks Polish Independence Day

HCM City marks Polish Independence Day

(VOV) – Representatives from Ho Chi Minh City’s administration, the Embassy of Poland in Vietnam, citizens and students gathered at a ceremony in the city on Friday to mark Poland’s...
Vietnam, China foster security co-operation

Vietnam, China foster security co-operation

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General Tran Dai Quang met with Meng Jianzhu, head of the Chinese Communist Party’s Commission on Politics and Law, in Beijing on Sunday...
Vietnam, China enhance friendship

Vietnam, China enhance friendship

(VOVworld) - A delegation from the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) paid a working visit to China over the past 4 days at the invitation of President of the China...
Vietnam – Cuba relations promoted

Vietnam – Cuba relations promoted

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese embassy in Cuba and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples on Friday had a meeting with teachers and pupils at Vo Thi Thang primary school...