OECD: High uncertainty hurts global growth

OECD: High uncertainty hurts global growth

(VOVWORLD) - Global expansion is likely to slow as tensions fueled by US President Donald Trump’s protectionist policies stifle world trade, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said Thursday...
Negative impact of US-China trade war

Negative impact of US-China trade war

(VOVWORLD) - The US and China have embarked on a trade war which is likely to continue as the world’s two biggest economies show no sign of backing down. The...
WTO: Trade dispute to hurt global growth

WTO: Trade dispute to hurt global growth

(VOVWORLD) - World Trade Organization Chief Roberto Azevedo said Friday that a major escalation in the trade dispute between the US and China could derail the global recovery and put many...
Wolrld people welcome 2017

Wolrld people welcome 2017

(VOVworld) – People across the world joined the festivities to welcome the New Year of 2017. Millions of revelers gathered along Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil for one...
IMF cuts global growth forecasts

IMF cuts global growth forecasts

(VOVWorld) - On Tuesday, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its forecasts for global economic growth this year and next year because of the UK's vote to leave the UK
IMF says Brexit unlikely to cause global recession

IMF says Brexit unlikely to cause global recession

(VOVworld) – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday that Britain's vote to quit the EU (Brexit) has injected significant uncertainty into the global economy, but...
2016 Global Summit of Women concludes

2016 Global Summit of Women concludes

(VOVworld) - The 26th Global Summit of Women concluded Saturday in Warsaw, Poland, following a 3-day discussion themed “Women: Building an Inclusive Economy in the Digital Age”
Pope Francis condemns global terrorism

Pope Francis condemns global terrorism

(VOVworld)- Pope Francis censured the culprits of recent terrorist attacks, remembered the victims, and appealed to the international community to stop violence in his Easter speech on Sunday
OECD lowers global economic outlook for 2016

OECD lowers global economic outlook for 2016

(VOVworld) - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has slashed its global economic outlook for 2016, from 3.6 percent to 3.3 percent, saying some areas may plunge into...