Hamlets jointly build new-style rural areas in Dak Lak

(VOVWORLD) -The national target program to build new-style rural areas has brought a new look to hamlets in the central highland province of Dak Lak, thanks to Party and State investment and local people’s unity.
Hamlets jointly build new-style rural areas in Dak Lak - ảnh 1Ea Tieu commune in Cu Kuin district of Dak Lak province has prospered thanks to the new-style rural building program. (Photo: VOV)

While busy dragging heavy bags of coffee beans that have been weighed and paid for, Y Blul Nie of Chiet hamlet in Cu Kuin district told VOV that his cement yard and fence were repaired just a few months ago.

Y Blul’s family had built a strong wall and gate, but when the local administration decided to widen the hamlet roads and the local system of roadside ditches, Y Blul voluntarily removed his wall and donated 30 square meters of his yard for the new road.  

“I strongly supported widening the village roads. I knew that under the plan, the road would be widened. After leveling the ground, they bulldozed about 30 square meters along the fence. So I agreed to move my fence inward,” said Y Blul.

Like Y Blul, many others in Chiet hamlet donated hundreds of square meters of land to expand the internal road system. Chiet villagers also contributed money and man-days to repair and upgrade the community house and buy more equipment for collective activities.

Chiet hamlet has 300 households of nearly 2,000 people. All of them are ethnic Ede and most grow coffee in combination with peppers and several kinds of fruit trees.

The elder Y Kua Enuol says villagers always unite in doing business to improve their living conditions. Per capita income is now 1,500 USD a year. There are only 8 poor households and 25 near-poor households left in the hamlet, says Y Kua.

“Thanks to local people’s unity, it’s possible to implement guidelines and policies to improve local living standards. Everyone unites to help each other. We are getting better and better,” Y Kua recalled.

Hamlets jointly build new-style rural areas in Dak Lak - ảnh 2The locals have well responded to the new-style rural building program. (Photo: VOV)

Village patriarch Y Kua says hamlet leaders and officials play a key role in creating solidarity among the people.

Y Nguol Eban, Secretary of the Chiet Party cell, says members of the hamlet self-management committee serve as role models in forging solidarity and promoting internal strength to complete common goals.

He said communications have been increased to help people understand and not violate State laws and regulations.

“As a result, our hamlet is peaceful. All villagers focus on doing business, developing the economy, and building a prosperous village. The infrastructure is now better,” said Eban.

Ea Tieu commune in Cu Kuin district, where half of the population are religious and 40% are ethnics, has made great efforts to unite people in new-style rural  building. Roads have been paved and equipped with lighting. Last year the commune completed 16 of the 19 new-style rural building criteria.

Nguyen Van Dung, Chairman of the Ea Tieu People's Committee, said the commune is trying to achieve the enhanced standards in the next period.

“Villagers have agreed to invest in building and upgrading the community house and roads. This year, Ea Tieu will continue to implement the Party resolution, develop specific programs for socio-economic development, and promote new-style rural building in line with the standard criteria and then the advanced standards,” said Dung.


