Exhibition showcases children’s projects toward sustainable development goals

(VOVWORLD) -Maya Primary and Secondary School in Hanoi is exhibiting projects initiated and implemented by its pupils toward 17 UN sustainable development goals. The 3rd season of the Sustainable Development Program "Small Footprints" shows the children’s strong awareness of and action toward global goals.

Exhibition showcases children’s projects toward sustainable development goals - ảnh 1The 3rd season of the Sustainable Development Program "Small Footprints" organized by Maya Primary and Secondary School in Hanoi (Photo: vietnamhoinhap.vn)

The exhibition displays six projects: "Designing an outdoor playground for preschool children in disadvantaged areas"; "The Power Changer – research, application, and installation of a solar power system"; "Designing an indoor hydroponic system to grow raw vegetables"; "Creating paintings and statues about the cultures of Vietnamese ethnic groups"; "Producing indigo fabric"; and "Publishing a seasonal cook book".

Exhibition showcases children’s projects toward sustainable development goals - ảnh 2Products on indigo fabric created by pupils of Maya School (Photo: vietnamhoinhap.vn)
Pham Long, a 9-grader at Maya School, talked about his solar power project. “We did some observations and research and found that there are not many renewable energy sources in Vietnam, so we wanted to do this project. I’ve found my passion and have decided to pursue an engineering career.”

Nguyen Thi Thuy, the Principal of Maya Primary and Secondary School, talked about the pupil’s projects. “These are the results of their hard work over the last 10 months. I’m really touched that the motivation for them to study comes from thinking about the community,” said Ms. Thuy.

Exhibition showcases children’s projects toward sustainable development goals - ảnh 3The project "Designing an outdoor playground for preschool children in disadvantaged areas"
A new feature of the 3rd season of the "Small Footprints" exhibition is a display themed "Research of the cultures of all continents" created by primary school pupils.

Visitors can attend creative workshops to paint on pieces of wood, craft products from indigo fabric, make wooden toys, or collect hydroponic vegetables.

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