President plays important role in national stability, development

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly deputies have acknowledged and applauded the efforts, responsibility, achievements, and imprint of the State President in maintaining national stability and growth, promoting great national unity, improving public healthcare, and elevating Vietnam’s prestige internationally. The deputies devoted the whole day on Monday to discussing the State President’s performance in the 2016-2020 tenure.
President plays important role in national stability, development - ảnh 1Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong (photo:

The President has successfully carried out the duties of his office during the 2016-2021 term.          

Rallying national unity, maintaining national sovereignty

Upholding President Ho Chi Minh’s spirit of great national unity, the State President has paid attention to building and reinforcing great national power and unity for national renewal, construction, and defense.

During his visits to localities and meetings with voters, Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong paid close attention to people’s lives and livelihood and listened to their wishes and petitions. He made recommendations to agencies of the Party, State, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front to improve the effectiveness of policies on great national unity.

During the pandemic year of 2020, the President took special care of public health and social security and united people in the fight against COVID-19. His actions rallied people to support disease prevention measures. As Honorary President of the Vietnam Red Cross Society, the President urged the Society to reform its humanitarian activities and ensure the implementation of the Party and State’s humanitarian guidelines and policies.

President plays important role in national stability, development - ảnh 2Deputy Ngo Duy Hieu of Hanoi’s National Assembly delegation (photo:

Deputy Ngo Duy Hieu of Hanoi’s National Assembly delegation said: “The President successfully performed his role as state leader in internal and external affairs and served as a symbol of trust and great national unity. The Party leader and President has been inspirational and an important figure in stoking Vietnam’s revolutionary spirit and building consensus and solidarity in the Party, people, and society to help Vietnam prosper in a difficult tenure.”

As President of the Council for National Defense and Security and Commander-in-Chief of the people’s armed forces, the President effectively directed implementation of the 11th Party Central Committee’s resolution on National Defense Strategy in the new situation and the Party’s resolutions and directives on national defense, security, and building an all people’s defense system. He has been active in developing Vietnam’s National Defense Strategy, Military Strategy, and National Border Defense Strategy.

Deputy Nguyen Thai Hoc of Phu Yen province’s National Assembly delegation said: “During this tenure, Vietnam has faced daunting difficulties. The Party, State, and Government have made tough decisions and taken decisive steps. Vietnam’s achievements came from shared effort and a shared determination to maintain political security and social order. People’s trust in the leadership of the Party and State has grown.”

Raising Vietnam’s status internationally

During the 2016-2021 tenure, the President has been involved in negotiating and signing international agreements on behalf of the State and supported the National Assembly in discussing and ratifying international border, trade, and investment cooperation agreements.

The President made diplomatic efforts to realize the foreign policy aims of the Party and State and elevate Vietnam’s status and prestige internationally. 

When Vietnam hosted APEC Year 2017, the President chaired the APEC Summit which was attended by many world leaders. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the President strengthened Vietnam’s relations with other countries and honored Vietnam’s global responsibilities.

The National Assembly deputies agreed that the 2016-2021 tenure was a successful one, thanks in no small part to a State President who actively promoted great national unity, patriotism, self-reliance, and the aspiration for national growth, prosperity, and happiness.

