Vietnam, Belarus promote traditional friendly relationship

(VOVWORLD) -  Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko began an official visit to Vietnam on Wednesday at the invitation of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. Golovchenko's first trip to Vietnam as Prime Minister aims to strengthen the traditional friendly relationship and affirm the shared interest of the two countries in boosting bilateral cooperation. 
Vietnam, Belarus promote traditional friendly relationship - ảnh 1Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko (photo: BelTA/VNA)

Since Vietnam and Belarus officially established diplomatic relations on January 24, 1992, bilateral relations have developed based on the long-standing traditional friendship and have contributed to the national development of both countries.

Vietnam is Belarus's important partner in Southeast Asia

Vietnam and Belarus have continued the friendship and strong multi-faceted cooperation between Vietnam and the former Soviet Union. Both countries have maintained regular delegation exchanges and contacts at all levels.

Since 1998, all key Vietnamese have visited Belarus. Since 1997, Belarus’s President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a number of Deputy Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers have visited Vietnam. Belarus’s Minister of Home Affairs Kubrakov Ivan Vladimirovich visited Vietnam in April.

During their meetings, the leaders of the two countries have affirmed that they attach importance to the development of their traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation and appreciate the steady developments in political, diplomatic, economic, and trade relations.

Vietnam, Belarus promote traditional friendly relationship - ảnh 2Belarusian Ambassador to Vietnam Uladzimir Baravikou (photo: VNA)

Belarusian Ambassador to Vietnam Uladzimir Baravikou said Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko’s official visit to Vietnam is particularly important, as it’s the first visit of a Belarusian leader to Vietnam since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The visit reflects Vietnam’s role as one of Belarus's most important partners in Southeast Asia.

The two countries have maintained a cooperation mechanism through the Intergovernmental Committee on Economic-Trade and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, the Intergovernmental Joint Committee on Military Technology Cooperation, the Committee for Science and Technology Cooperation, and political consultation at the deputy foreign minister level, with the latest meeting in January 2022 in Hanoi.

They have closely cooperated and supported each other within the UN, the Non-Aligned Movement, and other global forums and organizations.

The two countries’ strengths complement each other

Vietnam and Belarus have strengths which complement each other. The Belarusian Ambassador to Vietnam said the current legal framework for bilateral relations includes more than 90 national and sectoral agreements.

Many joint projects in defense, security, trade, investment, science, culture, education, sports, and tourism have been implemented. Localities of the two countries have established ‘twin’ relations. Parliamentary relations have been strengthened and friendly parliamentary groups established. Hundreds of Vietnamese students have studied in Belarus.

Bilateral trade totaled 114 million USD last year and 46 million USD in the first nine months of this year. Vietnam is the only country in Southeast Asia that has signed a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union of which Belarus is a member.

Belarus and Vietnam have come a long way in developing a mutually beneficial relationship. Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko’s visit will continue comprehensively developing the friendly relations and strong traditions between Vietnam and Belarus.

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