20 int’ art troupes to attend Hue Festival 2016

(VOVworld) – 42 art troupes from Vietnam and 14 other countries have registered to perform at the Hue festival 2016.

20 int’ art troupes to attend Hue Festival 2016 - ảnh 1
Arts performance at Festival Hue 2014 (Source: VNA)

Nguyen Dung, Vice Chairman of Thua Thien – Hue provincial People’s Committee and Head of the Organizing Board, said the foreign art troupes come from France, Belgium, Russia, the UK, Denmark, Poland, China, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Srilanka, Australia, the US, and Colombia.The Hue Festival 2016 will take from April 29 to May 4 under the theme “Cultural heritages in integration and development”.

Besides fantastic shows featuring foreign cultures, the festival will include a Royal Night show revitalizing impressive royal practices of the Nguyen dynasty, performances of folk arts, a balloon display, and a street carnival with the participation of Vietnamese and foreign artists.  

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