22nd Vietnam International Trade Exhibition kicks off in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - The 22nd Vietnamese International Trade Exhibition got underway in Hanoi on Wednesday.

22nd Vietnam International Trade Exhibition kicks off in Hanoi - ảnh 1
The 22nd Vietnamese International Trade Exhibition opens in Hanoi Source: ntpc.vn

With the theme “Vietnam – Cooperation for Development”, the expo boasts 600 stands occupied by 450 companies from over 20 countries with a multitude of products on display. The expo will provide the exhibitors especially Vietnamese businesses, with more opportunities to seek out trade partners, discover new designs and top  quality products and will promote exports. Nguyen Hong Minh is the Head of the Vietnam Petroleum Institute: "The Exhibition is an opportunity for Vietnamese enterprises to meet partners and set up networks to integrate further into the global market and promote our products further afield".

