Activities to mark 122nd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVworld) - Activities to mark the 122nd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh are underway nationwide.

Activities to mark 122nd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh - ảnh 1

Ho Chi Minh city today/ on Friday held a ceremony to honor individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the campaign to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example. At the event, Nguyen Van Dua, Vice Secretary of the Municipal Party’s Standing Committee reviewed the life and revolutionary actions of President Ho Chi Minh and his great contributions to Vietnam. He added that being named after Uncle Ho, the city will do its utmost to ensure democracy, creativity and national unity in the implementation of the 4th Central resolution on party building and the campaign to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example: "In response to the campaign to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example and implement the 4th Central resolution, each Party member should be self-critical and rectify their mistakes and shortcomings".

On the same day, an exhibition on President Ho Chi Minh and party building opened in Da nang city. Meanwhile in Binh Thuan, a seminar on academics from Binh Thuan who study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example was also held.

