Activities to mark “Week of Russian language” in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – A roundtable conference entitled “Russian in Vietnam” began on Friday in Hanoi as part of activities to mark the “Week of the Russian Language” from June 1st to 6th. Speaking at the event, Elena Zubstova, director of the Centre for Russian Culture and Science in Hanoi, hailed the contributions of generations of Vietnamese teachers in promoting Russian in Vietnam and hoped more would be done to promote the teaching and studying of Russian in Vietnam. Delegates shared their experiences in modern methods of teaching Russian and ways to boost cooperation between Vietnamese and Russian experts in the field.

Activities to mark “Week of Russian language” in Vietnam  - ảnh 1
Famous Vietnamese writer, poet, musician attended the exhibition on Pushkin works. Photo: VNA

During the week, a refresher course for Russian language teachers, a book exhibition, a round table conference on methods for teaching Russian and other activities will be held.

An exhibition entitled “Pushkin in Vietnam” featuring Pushkin’s works translated into Vietnamese also took place at the event.

