Deputies continue discussions on project to improve NA’s efficiency

Deputies continue discussions on project to improve NA’s efficiency  - ảnh 1
Deputies discuss at the NA session

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies today discussed a project to further reform and enhance the quality and efficiency of the legislative body’s activities. Most participants agreed on the project’s importance to meet demands of building a socialist state governed by law, of the people, by the people, and for the people while ensuring the NA’s position as the people’s highest representative agency. Some deputies proposed that following Q&A sessions, a resolution should be outlined to define inquiries and responsibilities of spokespersons. Deputies stressed on increasing Q&A sessions in the NA Standing Committee meetings, and explanations at the NA Ethnicity Council and other NA committees in between the 2 major NA sessions of the year. A majority of delegates called for diversifying forms of meetings with voters while some suggested every NA deputy should study abroad at least once in their term to improve their knowledge and international experiences. Deputy of Thai Nguyen Province Le Thi Nga says ‘I agree that the NA Standing Committee should develop a draft regulation on votes of confidence. There might be two forms of voting – periodical and extraordinary. In accordance with international practice, titles such as Minister or higher should undergo votes of confidence. Meanwhile, the NA Standing Committee should collect opinions of NA deputies on whether to hold votes of confidence for posts equivalent to Deputy Minister and below’.

