First day of university entrance exams

First day of university entrance exams - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - Over 1.3 million candidates today/ on Tuesday registered for the 1st phase of university and college entrance exams.

Bui Van Ga, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, and head of this year’s exam steering board, said this year’s questions will not be too long nor too difficult, but will be carefully chosen to help different universities select qualified candidates. Mr. Ga said the exam makers have already completed the questions for this first phase and submitted them to the printers. The printing stage is designed to keep the questions confidential. Mr. Ga: “This year, the Ministry is submitting exam questions to the printers via hard copy rather than on disks. So the printers have to reproduce the questions from the original drafts using high-quality photocopy machines and without using any other computers or software as they used to do”.

All universities are now ready for the exams. Chief Academic Officer Nguyễn Văn Dung of the Hanoi University of Agriculture told VOV: “We underlined the to-do and not-to-do lists for the monitors while instructing them on their responsibilities and how to treat examinees when violations occur in the exams. The locations, rooms, and other infrastructure have been well-prepared”.

Most universities will provide accommodation for candidates and their relatives by opening student dormitories. The Hanoi Power Corporation says power will be uninterrupted during the university and college entrance exams and throughout the printing, marking, and reexamination stages.

This year the Ministry of Education and Training, for the first time, has set rules to encourage people to detect and denounce enrollment rule violations.

