Individuals must be held accountable in COVID-19 fight: PM

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Sunday asked for greater individual and organization responsibility in the fight against COVID-19, adding that accountability must be held and criminal punishment can be applied to individuals and organizations violating disease prevention regulations. 
Individuals must be held accountable in COVID-19 fight: PM - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh (standing) chairs a meeting of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, May 2, 2021.
At a meeting of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control on Sunday, the Prime Minister asked the Health Ministry and authorities to urgently evaluate the pandemic situation in Vietnam, analyze the reasons, identify and penalize individuals and organizations accountable for the recent outbreak in the northern province of Ha Nam, and work out more effective measures to curb the spread of the virus. 
The Ministry of Health said cases detected recently in Ha Nam, Hanoi, HCM City, and Hung Yen are linked to patient 2899, a migrant worker returning from Japan who tested positive to COVID-19 late last month. 
So far, more than 2,452 samples of people having close contact with these new cases have been collected. Of them, 16 samples have been tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and 867 are waiting for test results.  

Amid complications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Prime Minister asked sectors and localities to strictly implement disease prevention measures, strengthen border control, and accelerate vaccination.

