International friends join in Vietnam’s triumph of independence

(VOV) - The victory of April 30th, 1975 was one of the greatest milestones in the history of the establishment and defense of the Vietnamese nation.

International friends join in Vietnam’s triumph of independence  - ảnh 1

It is considered a shining symbol of Vietnam’s revolutionary heroism and the peak of Vietnam’s will and spirit. Vietnam’s resistance against the American imperialists and especially the brave fighting spirit of the Vietnamese soldiers and people have drawn attention from around the world. A lecturer from Montreal university, Canada, Dieter Steiche took part in a demonstration to protest against the war in Vietnam during his student time: "At 6 o’clock news, everyone watched Vietnam war. There were so many Vietnamese people lost their lives, and so many young American guys lost their lives. I knew about the collapsing of Sai Gon and how the country should be together again. It’s good that the North and South came together and I firmly believe that it should have been and the American should not get involved in it".

During his visit to Vietnam early this year, Bishop Thomas J.Gumbleton, an activist fighting to recognize the problem of Vietnam’s Agent Orange/ dioxin, recalled the days when he had participated in activities against US war in Vietnam: "Vietnam had struggled for independence for so long. They should have had that after the War II after the French left the country in 1945. That should be a free, independent Vietnam but the American prevented it from happening. So the people had to continue to struggle. In 1975, the war completely ended. That was the first time after 40 years, Vietnam became a free and independent country. That’s something that should be truly celebrated".

Joining with Vietnamese soldiers and people during the fierce time of war were friends and comrades from the Soviet Union, Poland and India. Memories of the historical victory on April 30th, 1975 never fade in the mind of Wasclaws, a Polish military expert: "We witnessed the bright and happy faces of the Sai Gon people. They eagerly welcomed groups of liberation soldiers. Flags of the liberation troops hung on every house. The people of Sai Gon rushed to the streets to welcome the liberation soldiers".

Chinese journalist Zhang Jia Xiang who has worked in Vietnam for many years, said Vietnamese people were worthy of the world’s admiration and praise. The joy of victory of the Vietnamese people on Reunification Day, April 30th, 1975 is also a joy to be shared with the world’s peace lovers.

