Israel and Palestine are likely to reach peace deal by next April

(VOVworld) – Israel and Palestine are likely to reach a peace deal by April 2014.

Israel and Palestine are likely to reach peace deal by next April - ảnh 1
US Secretary of State John Kerry (Photo: worldpress)
US Secretary of State John Kerry said following his visit to the Middle East region on December 12-13. Kerry said Palestine and Israel are now concerned about peace negotiations. The two sides have worked out a framework for the major causes of the decades-long conflict between the two countries and this is also the common outline to reach a final agreement. Kerry affirmed that the two countries are exerting efforts to assure Israel’s security as well as respect Palestine’s sovereignty. He added that the agenda has remained unchanged and Israel plans to release more Palestinian prisoners on December 29th.

During his visit, Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahy and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. During talks with President Abbas, Kerry persuaded Palestine to agree on the security plan proposed by the US in his previous visit. Under the plan, Israel will deploy troops along Jordan’s border on the Palestinian territory within 10 years, but President Abbas has rejected this plan.

