Italy’s coalition government sworn in

(VoVworld) - Prime Minister Enrico Letta's new Italian government was sworn in on Sunday bringing hopes for the country to deal with the political stalemate over the past 2 months.

Italy’s coalition government sworn in  - ảnh 1
Newly appointed Prime Minister Enrico Letta (L) rings the silver bell, to signify the start of his first cabinet meeting next to outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti at Chigi palace in Rome,
April 28, 2013 (Photo: Reuteurs/Giampiero Sposito)

As the deadlock has greatly affected the effort to overcome the country’s worst economic recession over 20 years, the new Prime Minister expressed his wish to take immediate actions to solve the current unemployment rate and boost economic growth. Letta said he also wants to avoid austerity measures that had been imposed by his predecessor Mario Monty to protect Italy ahead of the public debt crisis in the Eurozone. At the swearing in ceremony, an unemployed man shot two officers outside the Prime Minister’s office in Rome. The man was then arrested.

