Lao Deputy Prime Minister visits Vietnam

(VOV/VOVworld)- Laos Politburo member and Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavat has visited the Vietnam People’s Army Publishing House and attended the launching of the book collection celebrating the Vietnam-Lao Solidarity Year 2012. In his address, the Lao Deputy Prime Minster highlighted the development of bilateral ties. He praised the Vietnam People’s Army Publishing House for collecting and publishing books on the relationship between Vietnam and Laos. “Vietnam and Laos have treasured the most sustainable relationship ever. I hope that military officers of the publishing house would help promote works left over by our predecessors so that younger generations can learn more the significance of the relationship between the two countries, especially in the context of increasing complication in the world.

The book collection celebrating the Vietnam Lao Solidarity year 2012 consists of articles and speeches by President Ho Chi Minh, Lao President Kayson Phonvihan and other leaders of both countries.

