Millions of Americans cast votes in 2022 midterm election

(VOVWORLD) - Millions of Americans cast their votes on Tuesday in the 2022 midterm election.
Millions of Americans cast votes in 2022 midterm election - ảnh 1An American voter on Election Day (Photo: Pham Huan/VOV-Washington)
Millions of Americans cast votes in 2022 midterm election - ảnh 2Polling places open early Tuesday morning, starting in Vermont at 5AM. (Photo: Pham Huan/VOV-Washington)

Polling places across the US opened since early Tuesday morning, starting in Vermont at 5AM.

Votes can be cast in-person or by post. Postal ballots arriving after Election Day are still legal if they have a Tuesday postmark.

This year’s midterm election will decide all 435 Representatives, 35 Senators, 36 state governors, and other local offices, determining the new power balance between Republicans and Democrats.

Due to differences in vote counting regulations and time zones, voting results will not be announced by all states at the same time.

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