National seminar casts light on significance of August Revolution

(VOVworld)- A national seminar was held in Hanoi on Monday to give more insight into the role that the August Revolution and National Day seven decades ago played in Vietnam’s renewal, integration and development. More than 300 delegates, including former Party and State leaders, representatives from ministries, sectors, universities, and scientists nationwide attended the event.

National seminar casts light on significance of August Revolution - ảnh 1
Dinh The Huynh, Politburo member and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education addresses the seminar

Dinh The Huynh, Politburo member and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education attributed Vietnam’s achievements during the past 70 years, especially in the 30 years of renovation to the great victory of the August Revolution and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, which is now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Huynh said the biggest and most profound lesson of the August Revolution which is still relevant today is the strong and creative leadership of the Party, which optimised patriotism and strength of great national solidarity, combining the national strength with the vigor of the era, and grasped opportunities when the time was ripe: “Substantial and unpredictable changes in the current global situation pose an array of opportunities as well as challenges to Vietnam. The situation requires the entire Party, people and army to fully realize their patriotism, and the strength of great national solidarity along with the historical values and unyielding spirit of the August Revolution and National Day (September 2) so as to surmount all difficulties to develop the country rapidly and sustainably”.

The participants shed light on the role of the Revolution in national construction and defense over the past 70 years. They emphasized the lesson of promoting national unity in national renovation, industrialization and modernization.

