Party General Secretary Trong receives delegation of the Lao Revolution Party

(VOVworld)-Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong on Jan. 11 received a high-level delegation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party which attended the ended first Vietnam-Laos Party theory conference.

Party General Secretary Trong receives delegation of the Lao Revolution Party - ảnh 1
Party General Secretary Trong receives delegation of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party

Head of the delegation Cheuang Somboukanh, who is Secretary of the Lao party Central Committee, head of the Lao party’s central propaganda and training commission and President of the Lao national social science council, briefed Trong on the outcomes of the two-day event. He said that the conference helped the Lao’s delegation gain more theoretical and practical experiences in Party building, social management and economic development. The agreement freshly signed between theory councils of the two Parties will create a foundation for them to strengthen cooperation in terms of theoretical study. Trong confirmed the important role of the theory work for the two Parties, adding that the conference is a chance for the two sides to learn from each other and discuss urgent issues emerging from the renewal in each country. He wished that the two sides will continue their close cooperation in the coming time and have good preparations for the next conferences.

