President celebrates new academic year at Defence Academy

President celebrates new academic year at Defence Academy  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)President Truong Tan Sang has emphasized the importance of national defence and security to the nation. Speaking at a ceremony to welcome in a new academic year at the Academy of Defence on Monday, the President said that despite the prevailing trend of cooperation and development, armed conflicts, terrorists acts and territorial disputes still occur, while hostile forces are intensifying their subversive acts. In this context, the 11th National Party Congress has set a target of upholding the strength of the entire nation and the political system to successfully safeguard national independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity. President Sang said: “Being a top center for education, training and scientific research of the army and the nation, the Academy needs to reform further and study the military traditions of our predecessors over thousands of years of national defence. We also need to learn about the military tactics of the Party and State as well as the experiences and creativity of our army over the past 60 years. The Academy is also required to study the military science of other countries, especially modern and hi-tech war issues so as to consult with the Party, State and the Army and help in the Academy’s education and training.”

The President urged for more efforts to modernize the Academy of Defence on par with overseas institutions.

