The US slaps sanction on Syrian state-run oil firm

(VOVworld) The U.S. had imposed sanctions on Syrian state-run oil company Sytrol for doing business with Iran’s energy sector. The State Department said Syria and Iran have engaged in two-way trade in the energy sector, in which Syria sent 33,000 metric tons of gasoline to Iran in April. State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said the US deeply concerns over the close relations between the Iranian and Syrian regimes and commits to use all means to prevent them from causing regional instability.

In another development, British Prime Minister David Cameron on Friday said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must leave office. He confirmed to ratchet up diplomatic pressure on Russia and China to accept tougher sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He stressed it’s better to have a peaceful plan for Assad to leave office.

The US slaps sanction on Syrian state-run oil firm - ảnh 1
Syrians flee Aleppo city to neighboring countries
A rising tide of civilians fleeing Syria's violence is hitting four neighboring countries where almost 150,000 are being helped in camps run by the UN refugee agency and its partners. That figure counts only Syrians who have registered or are in the process of registering as refugees. Officials acknowledge the real number of Syrian refugees is much higher since tens of thousands are believed to have not yet registered with authorities.

