15 years of collective economy to be reviewed

15 years of collective economy to be reviewed

(VOVWORLD) -The national conference to review 15 years of implementing the Resolution of the 5th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee on continued reform and development of collective economy...
42 years of UN membership, Vietnam sets sail

42 years of UN membership, Vietnam sets sail

(VOVWORLD) - On September 20, 42 years ago, Vietnam became an official member of the United Nations. Vietnam has gone from being a recipient of donations to an active contributor with...
War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

War veteran offers free classes for 20 years

(VOVWORLD) - War veteran Nguyen Huu Thoi, also known as Mr. Ba Thoi, has been operating classes for poor children, free of charge, for 20 years. He is no stranger to the people in My Binh Ward, Long...
Campaign on building healthy lifestyle reviewed

Campaign on building healthy lifestyle reviewed

(VOVWORLD) - A meeting was held on Friday to review the implementation of a campaign called “All people stay united to build a healthy lifestyle”, which has drawn enthusiastic response from...
VOVWORLD’s 73rd anniversary marked

VOVWORLD’s 73rd anniversary marked

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam on Wednesday marked 73 years of its first overseas broadcast, and 20 years of its FM channel 105.5 MHz , targeting expats in Vietnam