Morocco arrests 10 suspects associated with IS

Morocco arrests 10 suspects associated with IS

(VOVworld) – The interior ministry of Morocco said that the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ) had dismantled a network 10 suspected militants in the city of Oujda, more than 500...
IS forms Southeast Asian branch

IS forms Southeast Asian branch

(VOVworld) – A military intelligence official in the Philippines said on Thursday that Islamic militants in Southeast Asian who claimed to be fighting for IS in the Middle East said they...
Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

(VOVworld) – Forces aligned with Libya’s unity government said they had made significant gains in residential districts of Sirte on Tuesday as they battled to oust Islamic State from its coastal...
Europeans consider IS the biggest threat

Europeans consider IS the biggest threat

(VOVworld) - Europeans consider the militant group Islamic State to be the biggest threat facing their countries, ahead of climate change, economic instability, and refugees
IS attacks Lybian government forces

IS attacks Lybian government forces

(VOVworld) – Rida Issa, a spokesman for the Lybian unity government’s forces, said that the Islamic State carried out three suicide car bombings in Sirte on Sunday targeting forces...
Taliban kills 12 hostages

Taliban kills 12 hostages

(VOVworld) - Afghan security official Gulam Mohammad Tahiri said Wednesday that Taliban insurgents executed 12 people they abducted in recent ambushes in Afghanistan's southeastern Ghazni province
Security tightened for EURO 2016

Security tightened for EURO 2016

(VOVworld)- The month-long European football championship (Euro 2016) will begin next Friday in Paris, France. Security has been tightened against a possible terrorist attack
Russia, US discuss joint operations in Syria

Russia, US discuss joint operations in Syria

VOVworld) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry talked by telephone on Sunday about a Russian proposal to conduct joint operations against Syrian militants who...
US adds IS branches to its terror list

US adds IS branches to its terror list

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, the US Department of State added Islamic State’s (IS) branch in Libya and Sunni militants in Yemen and Saudi Arabia to its Foreign Terrorist Organizations List
Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – On Monday, representatives of the Ukrainian government and independence-seeking militants said that violence has resumed in eastern Ukraine after a period of relative calm under the Eastern truce
Hamas not seeking war with Israel

Hamas not seeking war with Israel

(VOVworld) – Hamas's leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh said on Friday that his movement did not seek war with Israel but would resist incursions into the Palestinian enclave