Green message from WEF Dalian

Green message from WEF Dalian

(VOVWORLD) - The 15th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions (WEF 15), also known as Summer Davos, is taking place in Dalian, China. Themed "New Growth Horizons", the...
China, EU hold environment, climate dialogue

China, EU hold environment, climate dialogue

(VOVWORLD) -The fifth High-Level Environment and Climate Dialogue between China and the European Union (EU) was held Tuesday in Brussels, with both sides agreeing to deepen green cooperation
Online exchange honors exceptional role models

Online exchange honors exceptional role models

(VOVWORLD) - An online exchange program praising good people and good deeds was held on Friday on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's appeal for patriotic...
UN promotes ambitious climate goals at COP29

UN promotes ambitious climate goals at COP29

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations’ mid-term conference on climate change is being held in Bonn, Germany until next Wednesday to assess the implementation of commitments on climate change and develop new ambitious...