Russia is a close partner of Belarus: Kremlin

Russia is a close partner of Belarus: Kremlin

(VOVWORLD) - The Kremlin on Thursday denied any plan to destabilize an “ally” after Belarus arrested 33 Russians it said were mercenaries on a mission to disrupt an upcoming presidential election
Syria violence continues to escalate

Syria violence continues to escalate

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish forces on Sunday attacked the Nayrab airbase in Aleppo in northern Syria, in retaliation for a Syrian airstrike that killed 33 Turkish soldiers last week
Covid-19 epidemic threatens global economy

Covid-19 epidemic threatens global economy

(VOVWORLD) - The acute respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus (Covid-19), which in China has affected 64,000 people and caused more than 1,400 deaths, has spread to 26 countries and...
African Union Summit and challenging tasks

African Union Summit and challenging tasks

(VOVWORLD) - Themed “Silencing the Guns”, the 33rd African Union summit opened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Sunday, seeking resolutions for a number of regional disputes and problems