NA Standing Committee convenes 42nd session

NA Standing Committee convenes 42nd session

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has lauded Vietnam’s drastic and prompt actions against the novel coronavirus outbreak, saying that the National Assembly stands ready to accompany...
Wednesday February 5, 2020

Wednesday February 5, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - I hope this edition of the letter box finds you well and in good health. Especially amidst the widespread coronavirus epidemic. Many of our listeners want to know what...
Vietnam’s national brand rises by 12 billion USD

Vietnam’s national brand rises by 12 billion USD

(VOVWORLD) - Brand Finance, the world’s leading independent branded business valuation and strategy consultancy, has valued Vietnam’s national brand at 247 billion USD, a year-on-year increase of 12 billion...