Building laws based on 2013 Constitution

Building laws based on 2013 Constitution

(VOVworld) – Law building is a key content on the agenda the on-going 9th session of the 13th National Assembly in Hanoi. VOV’s reporter Ngoc Anh looks at legislation...
Referendum promotes people’s mastership

Referendum promotes people’s mastership

(VOVworld) – The draft Law on Referendum will be debated for the first time at the 9th session of the 13th National Assembly. The law aims to promote democracy and...
Voters’ expectations at National Assembly meeting

Voters’ expectations at National Assembly meeting

(VOVworld) – Voters across Vietnam have addressed their concerns with regard to the government report on socio-economic development in 2014 and tasks in 2015 presented at the National Assembly meeting...
Vietnam commits to promoting human rights

Vietnam commits to promoting human rights

(VOVworld) – Vietnam, as a responsible member of the UN Human Rights Council, will work closely with all partners to ensure and promote human rights all over the world
NA deputies discuss socio-economic situation

NA deputies discuss socio-economic situation

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Tuesday discussed the current socio-economic situation and tasks for next year. The participants spoke highly of the Government’s measures to stabilize the macro...
8th session of 13th National Assembly opens

8th session of 13th National Assembly opens

(VOVworld) – The 8th session of the 13th National Assembly opened in Hanoi on Monday attended by Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, revolutionary...