Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – North Korea’s missile exploded on Sunday, on the 105th birth anniversary of founder Kim Il-sung amid fierce exchanges of bitter words between Pyongyang and Washington. Many people...
North Korea ready for US aggression

North Korea ready for US aggression

(VOVworld) – Vice Marshal Choe Ryong-hae said Saturday that Pyongyang is ready to stand up if the US dares to attack North Korea with nuclear weapons
World divided over Syria

World divided over Syria

(VOVworld) – The world was shocked by the US’s firing of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase on Friday because the new US administration had said previously that it would...
Japan Defense Minister visits Yasukuni Shrine

Japan Defense Minister visits Yasukuni Shrine

(VOVworld) - Japan’s defense minister Tomomi Inada visited the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo early on Thursday, one day after the Pearl Harbor visit by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The shrine...
Rugby – the pride of New Zealand

Rugby – the pride of New Zealand

(VOVworld) – If football players around the world sing their national anthem before a match, rugby players in New Zealand perform the Haka, their traditional war dance. Rugby and Haka have become the...
Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

Korean Peninsula threatened by escalating tensions

(VOVworld) – North Korea recently continued testing its submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which fell inside Japan’s Air Defense Identification Zone over the Sea of Japan. This was Pyongyang’s third missile launch since...