Highlights of the 12th National Party Congress

Highlights of the 12th National Party Congress

(VOVWORLD) - With a strong determination to reform and with responsibility, at its 12th tenure, the Communist Party of Vietnam led the political system to bring into play the combined strength of the whole...
State management evolves to national governance

State management evolves to national governance

(VOVWORLD) - Solutions to improve national governance quality and efficiency are for the first time mentioned in the draft documents to be submitted to the 13th National Party Congress. The solutions mention...
Vietnam, Indonesia boost broadcasting cooperation

Vietnam, Indonesia boost broadcasting cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) on Wednesday signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote cultural exchanges
Personnel work – key to Party Congress’s success

Personnel work – key to Party Congress’s success

(VOVWORLD) - Hostile opportunists attempt to sabotage Vietnam’s Party Congresses by distorting all personnel work. Such distortion will be countered prior to the 13th National Party Congress by thorough professional...
Hanoi aims to become a regional creative hub

Hanoi aims to become a regional creative hub

(VOVWORLD) - Already known as a “City for Peace” recognized by UNESCO, Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi has set a goal of becoming a creative hub to further attract investment, boost sustainable...
SMEs seek to boost productivity and quality

SMEs seek to boost productivity and quality

(VOVWORLD) - A conference was organized in Hanoi Wednesday to promote productivity for small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic based on technological innovation and...
13th National Party Congress strengthens internal unity

13th National Party Congress strengthens internal unity

(VOVWORLD) - In a recent article titled “Making preparations for and successfully organizing the 13th National Party Congress to bring the country into a new development period”, Party General Secretary and President...
Europe split over Belarus crisis

Europe split over Belarus crisis

(VOVWORLD) - A political crisis in Belarus has the world’s attention these days and there is a profound split within the European Union as to what should be done about...