Niger puts military on ‘maximum alert’

Niger puts military on ‘maximum alert’

(VOVWORLD) - The junta in Niger has ordered its armed forces to go on highest alert, citing an increased threat of attack, according to an internal document issued by its defence...
Niger puts the army on alert

Niger puts the army on alert

(VOVWORLD) - The military government of Niger on Friday put its armed forces on alert and at the same time deploying additional personnel and weapons to the capital of Niamey to...
Russia puts deterrent forces on alert

Russia puts deterrent forces on alert

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the country's deterrent forces, including nuclear deterrent, on the highest alert level, Russia's RT TV reported on Saturday. According to Putin, the...
China issues red alert for flood

China issues red alert for flood

(VOVWORLD) - China has issued a red alert for flood, highest of the four-tier system, in Nanjing section of Yangtze River in east China's Jiangsu Province staring from 9:00...
Rattan papooses of the Ede

Rattan papooses of the Ede

(VOVWORLD) - The papoose is a popular accessory of Ede women wherever they go. They carry food, farm produce and wood to or from the fields or the market. H Xiu...