Two Koreas lower level of war alert in the border

Two Koreas lower level of war alert in the border

(VOVworld) - South Korea has lowered the high level war alert it had issued for its forces stationed at the border following the recent reduction in dangerously-escalated tensions with the North. According to...
UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo truce

UN envoy in Syria to seek Aleppo truce

(VOVworld) - UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura arrived in Damascus on Saturday for talks with the Syrian officials about a deal to freeze fighting in the northwestern city...
Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

(VOVworld) – The Ukrainian government on Monday decided to impose a state of emergency across the country due to escalating tensions in eastern provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk
Vietnam stays alerts for typhoon Hagupit

Vietnam stays alerts for typhoon Hagupit

VOVworld)- The Central Steering Committee for Storm and Flood Prevention and Control on Saturday convened a meeting to discuss measures to cope with super Typhoon Hagupit which is expected to make...
Ukraine’s armed forces on full combat alert

Ukraine’s armed forces on full combat alert

(VOVworld) - Ukraine's armed forces have been put on full combat alert. The Ukrainian acting president Oleksandr Turchynov announced Wednesday that he made the order in response to the threat...
Syria: fierce battle in Aleppo

Syria: fierce battle in Aleppo

(VOVworld) – The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) located in the UK said that at least 21 people were killed and 50 were wounded in a rebel mortar attack on...
Syria: severe clashes in Aleppo kill nearly 90

Syria: severe clashes in Aleppo kill nearly 90

(VOVworld) - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported Sunday that at least 85 people have been killed in the Syrian government’s air strikes targeting rebels’ strongholds in the northern city of Aleppo....
Japan raises Fukushima leak alert

Japan raises Fukushima leak alert

(VOVworld)- Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) raised the severity level of a radioactive water leak at the Fukushima plant to level 3, the highest level within the last 2 years
UN reports more refugees from Aleppo city

UN reports more refugees from Aleppo city

(VOVworld) - The United Nations Refugee Agency released a new report on Monday, saying that about 200 thousand people were forced to flee their homes in Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, over the...
Vicente strengthens, northern localities on alert

Vicente strengthens, northern localities on alert

(VOV) - Tropical storm Vicente is heading for the northern coast very quickly and threatening coastal provinces, especially Quang Ninh and Haiphong. Tracking the course of the storm, weather experts warned...