French politician lauds Vietnam's foreign policy

French politician lauds Vietnam's foreign policy

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is implementing a positive and constructive foreign policy, significantly contributing to the development of Southeast Asia, said Denis Rondepierre, member of the French Communist Party (FCP) Central Committee
Beautiful sunset on Hanoi’s West Lake

Beautiful sunset on Hanoi’s West Lake

(VOVWORLD) - As Hanoi becomes more crowded with high buildings, West Lake is one of the most popular spots for Hanoians to relax and watch the sunset peacefully
Wednesday April 14, 2021

Wednesday April 14, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Our listeners in Europe have told us that spring has arrived there. Christer Brunström of Sweden said springtime has arrived in Sweden and there are spring flowers blossoming in...
Indonesian media hail Vietnam’s new leadership

Indonesian media hail Vietnam’s new leadership

(VOVWORLD) - The Indonesian media have published positive reports detailing results of Vietnam's recent senior personnel election, while also praising the country for its COVID-19 containment efforts and national...
Improvements in Central Highlands

Improvements in Central Highlands

(VOVWORLD) - The National Program on Building New Rural Areas has given the hamlets in the Central Highlands a more modern look. Roads have been widened and public works have been...
Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Iraqis converged in central Baghdad on Sunday and chanted anti-American slogans to commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani and a...
America continues Middle East policy

America continues Middle East policy

(VOVWORLD) - The US under the Trump administration has continued its policy of intervention in the Middle East, an important geo-political region where the US has many interests. Like Trump’s...