Disturbance in northeast Asia

Disturbance in northeast Asia

(VOVworld) – The Japanese government has made pubic its 2015 defense white paper discussing covering its concerns over a worsening security situation outside Japan. The paper directly mentions the building of artificial islands in...
Julie Vola's "Recalling Hanoi" photo project

Julie Vola's "Recalling Hanoi" photo project

(VOVworld) - French photographer Julie Vola has a special relationship with Hanoi and Vietnam. Three generations of her family have been to Vietnam. Following in this tradition, she has made...
Europeans protest TTIP agreement

Europeans protest TTIP agreement

(VOVworld) – Officials from the EU and the US resumed talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in New York on Monday
Vietnam: a reliable partner of the EU

Vietnam: a reliable partner of the EU

(VOVworld) – Vietnam and the EU will continue the 12th negotiations on the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on March 24 in Hanoi. It is scheduled to be the last session heading...
Russia will not yield to foreign pressure

Russia will not yield to foreign pressure

(VOVworld) - President Vladimir Putin says he will not allow anyone to get a military advantage over Russia and pledges that the country will never yield to foreign pressure
Foreigners and Vietnam’s development

Foreigners and Vietnam’s development

(VOVworld) – Many foreign diplomats consider Vietnam their second homeland and wish to stay here for a long time. Being not only a bridge further promoting cooperation between Vietnam and other...
Vietnam, US relationship in the next 2 decades

Vietnam, US relationship in the next 2 decades

(VOVworld) – Over the past 20 years of relations normalization, Vietnam and the US have set aside the past, looked toward the future, and become comprehensive partners. The last 2 decades...
US, German leaders discuss Ukraine

US, German leaders discuss Ukraine

(VOVworld) - President Obama spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday about more international aid for Ukraine, the White House said
EU’s ambitious investment plan

EU’s ambitious investment plan

(VOVworld) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has presented the European Parliament in Strasbourg with a 315-billion-euro investment plan which aims to kick start the EU's economy
Ambitious target of G20 communiqué

Ambitious target of G20 communiqué

(VOVworld) – A communiqué released at the G20 Summit in Australia of the world's 20 advanced and emerging economies set an ambitious target to lift the G20's GDP by...
Egypt implements new Suez Canal project

Egypt implements new Suez Canal project

(VOVworld) - Egypt signed contracts with six international firms on Saturday to carry out dredging of the new Suez Canal, the flagship project in President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's program...