Israelis, Palestinians pledge to curb violence

Israelis, Palestinians pledge to curb violence

(VOVWORLD) - Israeli and Palestinian officials pledged to de-escalate surging violence at a meeting on Sunday, issuing a joint statement in which Israel said it will halt discussions about new...
Turkish President thanks Vietnam for timely support

Turkish President thanks Vietnam for timely support

(VOVWORLD) -Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Monday thanked Vietnam for the timely support, which he said helps Turkey’s reconstruction and stabilization as he met with international rescuers, including the...
Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

(VOVWORLD) - The prospect of a peaceful solution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict is dim, given recent developments, dominated by military operations. The West’s tough rhetoric and heavy military equipment...
PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday, the first working day after Lunar New Year holiday, requested ministries, agencies and localities to urgently start work, so as not to delay production...
 Economic diplomacy promoted for development

Economic diplomacy promoted for development

(VOVWORLD) - Each Ambassador or head of a representative agency abroad needs to fulfil their responsibilities to the Party and people and use economic diplomacy to maintain Vietnam’s growth momentum and...