Festival of folk games for children

Festival of folk games for children

(VOVWORLD) -Lionbooks Children's Bookstore organized a Tet program in Hanoi to bring children and their families to an attractive playground of 20 folk games and activities
Wednesday January 18, 2022

Wednesday January 18, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the last Letter Box of the Year of the Tiger. In Vietnam, everybody is now busy preparing to welcome the New Year, the Year of the Cat
STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

(VOVWORLD) - Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, has introduced a theory of multiple intelligences which assesses a child’s abilities in eight categories that represent different ways of processing information: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence...