Wednesday August 24, 2016

Wednesday August 24, 2016

(VOVworld) - This week, we got an email from Arvid Husdal, a 49-year-old radio enthusiast from Kristiansand in the far south of Norway. He said his hobby is Dx...
Wednesday July 12, 2016

Wednesday July 12, 2016

(VOVworld) - I’m reading a letter from Ullmar Qvick, a shortwave enthusiast from Sweden. He was one of the founders of the Arctic Radio Club back in the 1960. It’s...
Cuisine of the Nung

Cuisine of the Nung

(VOVworld) - The Nung live at higher elevations and have a tradition of self-sufficiency. The Nung live close to nature and eat whatever they can grow or gather in the...
The fire culture of ethnic people

The fire culture of ethnic people

(VOVworld) – The kitchen plays an important role for every ethnic family in Vietnam. The cooking place is also a venue where rituals and other customs occur. Whenever a guest arrives,...
Ai Lao singing and dancing in Giong festival

Ai Lao singing and dancing in Giong festival

(VOVworld) – Ai Lao singing and dancing is a traditional ritual only seen at the Giong festival in Phu Dong village, Gia Lam district, Hanoi. Ai Lao, one of the rare remaining ancient...
Identifying Nung people by their costume

Identifying Nung people by their costume

(VOVworld) – The costume of the Nung is not as colorful as that of other ethnic groups. Nung clothes are made of indigo dyed fabric with very few decorations or embroidery....
Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

(VOVworld) - In woodblock carved paintings, a design or picture is carved into a block of wood, then printed onto a sheet of paper or other special materials. Tran Nguyen Dan...
Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

Rain blessing ceremony of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The rain blessing ceremony is one of 7 annual festivals of the Ha Nhi. It takes place at the end of the summer when rice and maize are maturing. Rituals at the rainy season festival...
Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi have many important ceremonies each year including the Lunar New Year festival, forest worship, and crop blessing rite. To Tuan describes the Ha Nhi’s crop...
Traditional work of the Ha Nhi

Traditional work of the Ha Nhi

(VOvworld) – Settling in high mountains for hundreds of year, the Ha Nhi depend on agricultural production on terraced fields. They have well-organized irrigation systems and have mastered cultivation techniques on terraced...
The Vietnamese Bamboo Flute

The Vietnamese Bamboo Flute

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese bamboo flute has long been one of the most popular wind instruments, containing the essence of Vietnamese music. The moody sound it produces has signified the spiritual life of...
Various spring festivals open

Various spring festivals open

(VOVworld) – The Phu Ninh buffalo fighting festival opened on Tuesday in Phu Tho province as part of activities to celebrate the upcoming Hung Kings festival
More signs of tension in the Middle East

More signs of tension in the Middle East

(VOVworld) – Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 people, including Shiite religious leader Nimr al-Nimr, on terrorism charges is facing strong international criticism and has ignited a wave of protests among...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A: These days, all of us are eager to welcome the New Year 2016. I really love this exciting atmosphere. VOV has already begun receiving New Year’s greetings from...
Typical marriage ritual of the San Chi

Typical marriage ritual of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi in Bac Giang province still practice their traditional marriage rituals. Lan Anh tells you all about the San Chi marriage culture
Vietnamese puppetry internationally recognized

Vietnamese puppetry internationally recognized

(VOVworld)- The puppet play “Dances of the Night Queen” by the Vietnam Puppetry Theatre won the Gold Medal at the 4th International Puppetry Festival held in Hanoi last week. At the...