Disadvantaged and ethnic people receive Tet gifts

Disadvantaged and ethnic people receive Tet gifts

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh visited and presented Tet gifts to social policy beneficiaries, disadvantaged workers, and others badly affected by COVID-19 in Hai Duong province on...
Floods wreak havoc in central region

Floods wreak havoc in central region

(VOVWORLD) - A local resident was killed by floods in Quang Ngai province on Sunday evening and local authorities are still searching for three fishermen whose basket boat sank in the Tra...
COVID-19: Prompt response to boost economic growth

COVID-19: Prompt response to boost economic growth

(VOVWORLD) - The spreading COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life. The entire political system has engaged in the fight against coronavirus with flexible response measures to contain the pandemic...
Wednesday August 4, 2021

Wednesday August 4, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Tehreem Arish, a member of Pakistan’s Women’s DX Club, emailed us to say: “I’ve been listening to your programs for a long time with keen interest. Mostly I listen with my club...
Growth targets revised to advance new breakthroughs

Growth targets revised to advance new breakthroughs

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Vietnam’s 5-year socio-economic development plan until 2025. Each locality must find ways to overcome difficulties and turn challenges into opportunities. Khanh Hoa, Quang Nam...
Wednesday February 17, 2021

Wednesday February 17, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - The week-long 2021 Lunar New Year holiday is over and we are returning to a normal work schedule. We are happy to have received a lot of New Year greetings from...
China imposes reciprocal sanctions on US individuals

China imposes reciprocal sanctions on US individuals

(VOVWORLD) - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said on Thursday that China will impose reciprocal sanctions on some US administration officials and congressional and NGO staff who have behaved badly and...
G20 builds sustainable, inclusive future

G20 builds sustainable, inclusive future

(VOVWORLD) - The G20 Leaders’ Summit concluded after two days of online meetings under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Themed“Realizing opportunities of the 21st...