Hundreds of protesters storm Swedish embassy in Iraq

Hundreds of protesters storm Swedish embassy in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - Hundreds of protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad Thursday in response to a police decision granting permission for a demonstration in Stockholm where organizers are...
Muslim nations demand action after Quran burning

Muslim nations demand action after Quran burning

(VOVWORLD) - Muslim nations including Iran and Pakistan say the desecration of the holy Quran amounts to an incitement of violence and have called for accountability after a series of stunts...
UN, EU condemn Quran burning

UN, EU condemn Quran burning

(VOVWORLD) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the burning of a copy of the Quran by an Iraqi refugee in Stockholm, Sweden and underlined the need to take measures to...
Seven OPEC members increase oil supply

Seven OPEC members increase oil supply

(VOVWORLD) - Seven members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) increased their crude oil supply last month, Iraq's INA news agency cited the OPEC Monthly Oil Market...