Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Sunday urged Iran to return to negotiations with Western powers on the 2015 nuclear dealduring his first meeting with new Iranian President EbrahimRaisi...
Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

Major anti-American demonstration staged in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Iraqis converged in central Baghdad on Sunday and chanted anti-American slogans to commemorate the anniversary of the killing of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani and a...
Tense US-Iran relations

Tense US-Iran relations

(VOVWORLD) - Increasing tensions between the US and Iran over the past few days have caused deep concern internationally, but they’re unlikely to lead to a military confrontation