Iraqi army retakes Ramadi city

Iraqi army retakes Ramadi city

(VOVworld) – Iraqi security forces say they have regained control of the administrative building in Ramadi city from IS. Spokesman for the Iraqi army Sabah Al Numani said IS has been defeated...
AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

(VOVworld) - The Arab League accused Turkey Thursday of violating international law and Iraq's sovereignty with a military deployment earlier this month that has provoked tensions between Baghdad and Ankara
Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet

Yemeni President reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) - Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi reshuffled his cabinet Tuesday, naming new foreign and interior ministers following signs of discord within the government of the war-torn country
Russia supports Iraqi Kurds With Baghdad Consent

Russia supports Iraqi Kurds With Baghdad Consent

(VOVworld) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that Moscow provides military and technical assistance to Iraqi Kurds with the consent of Baghdad and exclusively through the Iraqi government
Bomb blast in Iraq kills dozens

Bomb blast in Iraq kills dozens

(VOVworld) - Islamic State (IS) militants said they set off a bomb blast near Basra, Iraq, killing at least 11 people. Local authorities said the blast killed 24 people
Yemeni cabinet returns to Aden

Yemeni cabinet returns to Aden

(VOVworld) - Yemen's Prime Minister Khaled Bahah returned to the southern port city of Aden on Wednesday as anti-Houthi forces push toward the capital Sanaa
Bloodshed continues in Iraq

Bloodshed continues in Iraq

(VOVworld) – Scores of people were killed and wounded in suicide bombings and clashes between the Iraqi soldiers and IS militants in Anbar province on Saturday. A suicide bomber blew himself up in...
IS kills at least 23 Iraqi soldiers

IS kills at least 23 Iraqi soldiers

(VOVworld) - At least 23 Iraqi soldiers and militia have been killed in an attack by Islamic State militants in Anbar province, according to police and military officials
Fight against IS is getting harder

Fight against IS is getting harder

(VOVworld)- It has been one year since the US launched a massive operation against the self-proclaimed Islamic State. The fight against IS has cost billions of dollars but IS continues...